Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Story: Women's Empowerment

Recently in my life I have been exposed to many new experiences. Experiences that I never would have sought out if it was not for them being extra credit, a chance to earn a point within my sorority, or a mandatory commitment. These experiences have forced me to take a step back from my day to day life and truly evaluate what I like and dislike, what I am truly passionate, and if this is the life I believe I am supposed to lead.  

At the beginning of the of the school year I was beyond excited to see friends, go out on the weekends to different social events, and being completely independent. Grades and school were always the priority however, I never really felt that there was really any other option than do well in school, get a job, and create a career. What I am saying is, school was not a passion so much as an obligation. I took my education, college experience, and the life that I live for granted. I also realized that almost all of my friends and co-workers do the same. 

Due to the fact that I am involved STEP, Business Scholars, Kappa Alpha Theta, ASH, and so many more organizations, many extra curricular events to my extra curricular events are mandatory. I was never passionate or excited about them. I also am taking two courses that are similar in what they discuss. Women's Studies as well as a Leadership course. I hate to be that student who takes a class because it is reported as being an "easy A" but I admit that is why I scheduled both of these classes. Needless to say, I did not do it out of passion. You as the reader may be questioning my involvement, motivation, and leadership abilities if there is no "umph" behind my actions but I did not realize it yet. 

About a month ago I began to evaluate myself (Due partially to the Leadership course that I am in as well as the many documentaries, speaker series, and lectures of my woman's studies class). These facts that I have presented to you were not at all obvious to me before I began my journey. I initially decided to reflect on my life and where it was going. My goals were to obtain an internship/ job offer with a big four accounting firm in New York, get invited to attend  two of the big four's "leadership conferences" for sophomores, and be able to sit/ pass the CPA the summer after I graduate. These were my main priorities and my plan for the next five years. I looked at these and asked myself... why?. The answer was, so I will one day be able to have a steady income and create a better life for my future family than I had. As good as that sounds the information that I had recently started absorbing told me that I could do something more. I could change the lives of many for good. I realized finally what I was truly passionate about. 

Women's empowerment particularly in the under developed world. I am not saying that women in these parts of the world are helpless and week. Rather the opposite. I believe them to be the strongest types of people in the world. Women and girls bear the brunt of every negative statistic presented from Aids/Hiv, sexual violence, childhood slavery, basic human rights, and lack of education.

Suddenly finding what inspired me has changed my perspective on everything. After watching Girl Rising (a documentary focusing on girls in poverty around the world) I look at my clothes, pencils, and every amenity that I have in my life so much differently. I also have been making a conscious effort to make sure that I appreciate every opportunity I am given and am thankful for everything. 

So, you may be thinking.. well you have some great ideas and your re-evaluation was really great but what are you planning on doing about it. Well a few things. This summer I have decided to intern with Girl Rising in New York to promote the film which will change girls lives all around the world as well as intern with a non profit that sends interns all around the world. I will specifically be going to Kenya/ Uganda to work with women in the field of micro finance. Meaning I will be helping women become small business leaders, agricultural producers, and providing them with an education that can help them to better their lives and the lives of their children. 

In the end I hope you can enjoy my experiences and start to reflect on your life and what is truly going to motivate you to wake up each morning. Also never forget to spread social change!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Honest Reflection

The assignment of the week was... "Ask someone you know to give you honest leadership style feedback and reflect on how it felt to ask/ receive this information."

When I first heard this I got a little nervous. No one likes to hear their faults even if they are presented in a constructive way. On the other side, people are fearful of hurting others feelings and with that comes a lack of honesty. So my goal was to find someone who first off, would be completely honest, and second, someone who knew me well enough that I could assume that after the conversation things would not change. With the last point I mean, sometimes when faults are brought to the surface they are all that is focused on even in a different context.

I chose to ask a senior mentor in a business organization that I am apart of. I knew he would "tell it like it is" and give me advice on how he would recommend changing things as well as be positive in all aspects. We had our meeting and at first asking him to meet with me on this premise was a little daunting but I got over my fears and asked. So, at the beginning of the meeting he just described what he thought I was doing well at and then he started dissecting my leadership style. By the end of our conversation I was able to confidently know that I had at least three major aspects that needed to be adjusted.

In the time after the meeting I have been making a conscious effort to shift maybe the values and goals that I have as a leader as well as how things will be run between members of the executive boards that I am on as well as the members. I have already started to revise some outlining documents next semester for what I expect in my organizations as well as what I expect out of myself.

In the end, despite the initial fear, I am glad that I was assigned this topic. So far it will have been the most meaningful self reflection tool that I have taken out of this class.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ethical Dilemma:

Do you keep the secrets of your organization even if it is not ethical behavior? For example; the Delta Gamma email that was leaked, the Alpha Gamma Delta alum at the university of Alabama, etc...)

- Truth vs. Loyality -> Justice vs. Mercy

  • If the secret was harmful, physiologically or physically then letting the secrets come out to the public
  • We would make the decision to let the secrets out as a group (a small group with in the larger organization).
  • We would also have to take into account the long vs. short term and realize that in the sorority, for example, everyone would get punished, not just the one person.
  • We would use all three
    •  Rule-Based because the chapter will have set rules
    • Care-Based because we would not want any more harm to come to reality.
    • End-Based, we would want the end result to be that our sorority to become well represented

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Breakfast Club Group Dynamics

The Breakfast Club

Group dynamics consist of Purpose-Structure-Time
  • Purpose: To not grow up to be their parents
  • Structure: Working Group
  • Time: Eight-hour Saturday detention

Forming: Each student’s behavior is driven by the need of acceptance. For example, when Bender gives Brian a nasty look for making walrus sounds Brian immediately stops. An additional broad example is when they each cover for Bender when the principle walks in or picks him out. They also actively judge each other when they first meet. The students do this by asking what each other did to get in detention, what clubs they are in etc. An additional idea in forming is gathering. This is seen when they all avoid conflict even if they are being sarcastic. For instance, when the principle asks them all to raise their hands they all do.

Storming Phase:
Throughout The Breakfast Club, the group of students seems to be in a constant state of storming. They challenge each other, and contest ideas and beliefs of other group members. For example, Bender confronts the other members in the group. There are important issues that emerge in their confrontations. Their different backgrounds drive their differences in opinion. The social circles they come from influence their actions in this new and informal, group setting. Whereas the princess, Clair, and the jock, Andy, see and discuss themselves as being “well-liked” by everyone, the brain, Brian, talks about not even liking himself. These differing views of self-worth contribute to the constant storming the group encounters. Even when they reach levels of norming, they consistently fall back into patterns of storming.

Norming: The roles of the group are clear. When Andrew and Bender are in an altercations Claire makes fun of them. For instance, when Bender mocks Claire and her lipstick the others call him out and tell him it is unfair. Also in the development of this section they group begins to appreciate each other. For example, when Brian is ashamed about being a virgin Claire is compassionate because she can relate. This also shows that they are each feeling more comfortable about talking about subjects such as sex and family dynamics. The theme of acceptance is also seen when they spill the contents of their purses and wallets, while smoking together, This is when they learn more about each other. Also, the group begins to work together with the whistling, raising hands, following Benders directions especially after he sacrifices himself to save the group.

Performing: When the group finally moves into the “stage of equilibrium” it is one of the most identifying aspects of the “Performing” stage. All members of the group are forced to finally come together and discuss their ideas, their backgrounds, and their stories, in the hopes of successfully finishing their essay, and making the most of their unpleasant detention together. While they are initially unable to even speak to one another, they are now able to talk about their darkest and innermost thoughts. This is the true beginning of a “longterm relationship” in the performing stage. The things the characters choose to share are beyond what is needed for the 1,000 word essay. Now, they are sharing things about themselves in the hopes of becoming closer as individuals, and even as friends. In that sense, I believe they finally began working towards a common purpose, and not just a functional relationship. Originally, I believed that the common purpose would be finishing the essay that was assigned to them, and not causing anymore trouble in the library. By the end of the movie, and after the initial phases of the group development model, the common purpose is a desire to understand one another, and think outside of themselves.

Adjourning Phase: The Breakfast Club will not be meeting more than once so they as a group must dissolve at the end. The unique part is that they are similar to an ad hoc committee in the fact that they discussed what would happen during and after their termination. Claire and Andy will go back to being popular and making fun of Brian and Alison, and the other four will continue to ignore Bender and treat him as a criminal. Due to the groups negative conflict approach, only reaching the understanding level of intercultural processes, and never truly leaving the storming part of group development the group must adjourn without reaching or achieving their goal or purpose.

Group Roles: At the adjourning phase of TBC, their group roles are clearly defined.
Brian-Mediator, Info Seeker, Clarifier
  • Asks questions, why? Do they know?
  • “Guys lets all calm down”
  • Clarifies the group purpose to Mr. Vernon at the end of the film in the essay
  • Tries to keep the peace between the group members
    • Attempts to resolve conflict between others altercations
·       He expresses his interest in maintaining the friendships when school begins
o   He is shot down
Alison-Encourager, Summarizer
  • Does not speak and followers the others for the first hour of the movie
  • Summarizes what everyone has said in order to remind them of what they said
  • Acts as a catalyst for change within the group
    • Ex: Weird behavior, humor, positive thinking
  • Submissive, influential
    • Remains on the outside and looks in
Bender-Opinion Giver, Blocker, DOMINATOR
  • Voices his opinions on everything from family life, to personalities to socialization of teens
  • Promotes self indulging ideas
    • Discloses hardships and lifestyle claiming these as factors that make him superior
·       Persona of hostility, avoidant, and fearful
·       Engages others in confrontation
Claire-Encourager, Opinion Seeker
  • Seeks the opinions of others before she makes decisions
  • Encourages others to join, includes others in the conversations and conflicts
  • Makes other members feel worth while
  • Has a constant need of acceptance
  • Affirms others feelings
Andy-Gatekeeper, DOMINATOR
  • Invites the opinions of others, makes sure both sides of the story are heard by all
  • Fights for dominance and control of the group
  • Expressive about his mental an physical toughness both on and off the wrestling mat
  • Displays very limited signs of weakness

TBC scores Negative on the Riddle Scale of Attitudes Towards Differences
  • Repulsion
  • Pity
  • Tolerance
  • Acceptance
TBC only reaches the understanding level on the Hoopes Intercultural Learning Process

Communication Styles:
  • Aggressive: Bender, Andy, Claire, Mr. Vernor
  • Assertive: Alison
  • Unassertive: Brian
TBC exhibits both the advantages and liabilities of conflict however throughout the course of their existence as a group they tend to function on the liabilities side of conflict and have a hard time benefiting from it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reflection... Colors & Letters

So, just to preface, in class we did a personality reflection of what categories we were in and that related to what colors we were. We also took a MBTI personality test/descriptor. My color was Orange and my letters were ESFJ.  The definition of an "orange" person is "The Initiator". The concern that people of this color have are the results. Some characteristics of a person of this group are animated, energetic, spontaneous, communicative, including, innovative persuasive, and outgoing. Just to name a few. I feel as if all of these words describe me perfectly with no exceptions and I think every small-medium group setting that I work with would agree. The whole time we were discussing this in class all I could think about was how when we were put into groups for case studies in Accounting I was the first one to speak up in my group and begin to setup times to meet outside of class to complete the work. Summing it up, I decided to take control and lead my group, not necessarily with the class material and the specific project but with the plan of how the work was going to be completed. In this specific scenario my "orangeness" was seen with being including and communicative which were key elements for completing the assignment.

My letters for the MBTI personality descriptor were ESFJ. Right after class I called my mom and we were chatting away and I asked her to answer a few question about me. The first was name three characteristics  about my personality. Her response was, aware, dedicated, and social/outgoing. I giggled when she said this because these were synonyms for the description of my letters. In the definition of them it says "... with determination... Like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time. Loyal, follow through..." I then asked her a second question, Am I go with the flow or am I more structured?. Her response was, structured which coincides completely with the letter J. Even if I did not really believe that these letters were a pretty accurate description of my personality after talking to her I was convinced. Overall, between these two tests/descriptors I feel as if I have gained better insight into developing my own personality as well as others. I now will know why someone may react the way they do or act a certain way and will
be more compassionate and understanding.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Mission Statement/ What Influence You? Pg. 146 Q1,2

What influences me... What a loaded question. I would have to say every thing. Yes, it is a really broad answer but I feel as if it is the best answer I can give. Some examples of things that influence me are general and some are specific. Gender for instance makes up a huge part of my personality and explains many of my learning preferences. For example, I live in an all girls house on campus, I am in a sorority, I am in a women's studies class (there is one boy out of 30 girls), and I feel as if I can express my feelings and passions of life with out being ridiculed by my friends and peers. If I were not female I would not be a part in any of these experiences and would not have the opportunity to learn of sub categories within each of these that are influential to me. My socioeconomic status has influenced my personality in many ways. Just as a background I grew up in a single parent household. We lived in a two bedroom apartment.  My mom worked all the time so I would often have to look after my sister and take her where she needed to be. I feel like I have become jaded to some members of the upper class just because I may not have had all of the luxuries that they did growing up. I feel like it negatively affected my personality in this way however I would not be who I am today with out those experiences. Overall, these are just a few examples of how my personality and preferences are shaped.

My personal mission statement is as follows:

To find happiness, meaning, and value in everything in life. I want to be an instrument of positive change for the world. I believe everyone is equal and that deserves to be known. Lastly, by surrounding my self with people who support me I will not compromise my dreams based on the disapproval and opinions of others.

My results for the Human metrics Jung Typology Test were in my eyes a pretty accurate description of my mission statement and my personal beliefs.

E- Extrovert (78%)
S- Sensing (25%)
F- Feeling(12%)
J- Judging(56%)

When I first received my results I was shocked at the percentage for judging. Once I read the description I came to realize that I was just one percent more than the average. I found it interesting many important leaders score up in to the 90's due to their execution and goal setting skills.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Who Has Shaped Your View of Leadership?

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She is one of my biggest role models because of her leadership skills. Let me give you just a little background....

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the current President of Liberia, which is a country located on the west coast of the African continent. One of her biggest missions is women's equality and women's empowerment with the focus especially in Africa but globally as well. She is one of the first woman to defy the odds on this continent and become president. Sirleaf is the "1st female leader as a head of state in africa, she empowers women and influences democratic reforms throughout the continent..." ( In 2011 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was awarded the nobel peace price for her work in securing women's rights. 

The reason she inspires me is because she was married at the age of 17 as was custom and was able to rise above the norm to pursue her passions. Sirleaf did not get trapped in the ideology of the wife is property to the husband. She broke the norm to do what she believed in. 

I have attached a video of her speaking about empowering women, economics, and her hopes for humanity/equality.

I will also attach a link for a women's leadership specified video and the website that gave me some of my details about her!

