Friday, September 6, 2013

Who Has Shaped Your View of Leadership?

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She is one of my biggest role models because of her leadership skills. Let me give you just a little background....

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the current President of Liberia, which is a country located on the west coast of the African continent. One of her biggest missions is women's equality and women's empowerment with the focus especially in Africa but globally as well. She is one of the first woman to defy the odds on this continent and become president. Sirleaf is the "1st female leader as a head of state in africa, she empowers women and influences democratic reforms throughout the continent..." ( In 2011 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was awarded the nobel peace price for her work in securing women's rights. 

The reason she inspires me is because she was married at the age of 17 as was custom and was able to rise above the norm to pursue her passions. Sirleaf did not get trapped in the ideology of the wife is property to the husband. She broke the norm to do what she believed in. 

I have attached a video of her speaking about empowering women, economics, and her hopes for humanity/equality.

I will also attach a link for a women's leadership specified video and the website that gave me some of my details about her!



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