Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Story: Women's Empowerment

Recently in my life I have been exposed to many new experiences. Experiences that I never would have sought out if it was not for them being extra credit, a chance to earn a point within my sorority, or a mandatory commitment. These experiences have forced me to take a step back from my day to day life and truly evaluate what I like and dislike, what I am truly passionate, and if this is the life I believe I am supposed to lead.  

At the beginning of the of the school year I was beyond excited to see friends, go out on the weekends to different social events, and being completely independent. Grades and school were always the priority however, I never really felt that there was really any other option than do well in school, get a job, and create a career. What I am saying is, school was not a passion so much as an obligation. I took my education, college experience, and the life that I live for granted. I also realized that almost all of my friends and co-workers do the same. 

Due to the fact that I am involved STEP, Business Scholars, Kappa Alpha Theta, ASH, and so many more organizations, many extra curricular events to my extra curricular events are mandatory. I was never passionate or excited about them. I also am taking two courses that are similar in what they discuss. Women's Studies as well as a Leadership course. I hate to be that student who takes a class because it is reported as being an "easy A" but I admit that is why I scheduled both of these classes. Needless to say, I did not do it out of passion. You as the reader may be questioning my involvement, motivation, and leadership abilities if there is no "umph" behind my actions but I did not realize it yet. 

About a month ago I began to evaluate myself (Due partially to the Leadership course that I am in as well as the many documentaries, speaker series, and lectures of my woman's studies class). These facts that I have presented to you were not at all obvious to me before I began my journey. I initially decided to reflect on my life and where it was going. My goals were to obtain an internship/ job offer with a big four accounting firm in New York, get invited to attend  two of the big four's "leadership conferences" for sophomores, and be able to sit/ pass the CPA the summer after I graduate. These were my main priorities and my plan for the next five years. I looked at these and asked myself... why?. The answer was, so I will one day be able to have a steady income and create a better life for my future family than I had. As good as that sounds the information that I had recently started absorbing told me that I could do something more. I could change the lives of many for good. I realized finally what I was truly passionate about. 

Women's empowerment particularly in the under developed world. I am not saying that women in these parts of the world are helpless and week. Rather the opposite. I believe them to be the strongest types of people in the world. Women and girls bear the brunt of every negative statistic presented from Aids/Hiv, sexual violence, childhood slavery, basic human rights, and lack of education.

Suddenly finding what inspired me has changed my perspective on everything. After watching Girl Rising (a documentary focusing on girls in poverty around the world) I look at my clothes, pencils, and every amenity that I have in my life so much differently. I also have been making a conscious effort to make sure that I appreciate every opportunity I am given and am thankful for everything. 

So, you may be thinking.. well you have some great ideas and your re-evaluation was really great but what are you planning on doing about it. Well a few things. This summer I have decided to intern with Girl Rising in New York to promote the film which will change girls lives all around the world as well as intern with a non profit that sends interns all around the world. I will specifically be going to Kenya/ Uganda to work with women in the field of micro finance. Meaning I will be helping women become small business leaders, agricultural producers, and providing them with an education that can help them to better their lives and the lives of their children. 

In the end I hope you can enjoy my experiences and start to reflect on your life and what is truly going to motivate you to wake up each morning. Also never forget to spread social change!



  1. This was really good heartfelt blog! I find that many times I'm doing things because they would look good on a resume or because they'll get me into some program, rather than because I genuinely care, and I have started to realize, mostly because of this class, that that shouldn't be the case. One should really be involved in things that they are passionate about, because they will truly be able to make a difference there, more so than in something they find tedious!

  2. I really liked your post Brittany! It must have been so hard to let go of goals and dreams that you had held on to for so long. A lot of times your future image that you envision gets in the way of what you truly want. I am also currently battling this, and it's hard. That's amazing that you will be helping to empower other women and show them what they are truly capable of. You go girl!

  3. I have loved getting to know you more through this class and as a sister. This post is great! I agree with you how school, work and other activities can be an obligation and that's why its so important to find something you love. I admire how you are pursuing something that you are passionate about because that is where you will find happiness! Interning with Girl Rising will be a great opportunity and I'm excited to see how you empower women in the future!
