Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reflection... Colors & Letters

So, just to preface, in class we did a personality reflection of what categories we were in and that related to what colors we were. We also took a MBTI personality test/descriptor. My color was Orange and my letters were ESFJ.  The definition of an "orange" person is "The Initiator". The concern that people of this color have are the results. Some characteristics of a person of this group are animated, energetic, spontaneous, communicative, including, innovative persuasive, and outgoing. Just to name a few. I feel as if all of these words describe me perfectly with no exceptions and I think every small-medium group setting that I work with would agree. The whole time we were discussing this in class all I could think about was how when we were put into groups for case studies in Accounting I was the first one to speak up in my group and begin to setup times to meet outside of class to complete the work. Summing it up, I decided to take control and lead my group, not necessarily with the class material and the specific project but with the plan of how the work was going to be completed. In this specific scenario my "orangeness" was seen with being including and communicative which were key elements for completing the assignment.

My letters for the MBTI personality descriptor were ESFJ. Right after class I called my mom and we were chatting away and I asked her to answer a few question about me. The first was name three characteristics  about my personality. Her response was, aware, dedicated, and social/outgoing. I giggled when she said this because these were synonyms for the description of my letters. In the definition of them it says "... conscientious...work with determination... Like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time. Loyal, follow through..." I then asked her a second question, Am I go with the flow or am I more structured?. Her response was, structured which coincides completely with the letter J. Even if I did not really believe that these letters were a pretty accurate description of my personality after talking to her I was convinced. Overall, between these two tests/descriptors I feel as if I have gained better insight into developing my own personality as well as others. I now will know why someone may react the way they do or act a certain way and will
be more compassionate and understanding.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Mission Statement/ What Influence You? Pg. 146 Q1,2

What influences me... What a loaded question. I would have to say every thing. Yes, it is a really broad answer but I feel as if it is the best answer I can give. Some examples of things that influence me are general and some are specific. Gender for instance makes up a huge part of my personality and explains many of my learning preferences. For example, I live in an all girls house on campus, I am in a sorority, I am in a women's studies class (there is one boy out of 30 girls), and I feel as if I can express my feelings and passions of life with out being ridiculed by my friends and peers. If I were not female I would not be a part in any of these experiences and would not have the opportunity to learn of sub categories within each of these that are influential to me. My socioeconomic status has influenced my personality in many ways. Just as a background I grew up in a single parent household. We lived in a two bedroom apartment.  My mom worked all the time so I would often have to look after my sister and take her where she needed to be. I feel like I have become jaded to some members of the upper class just because I may not have had all of the luxuries that they did growing up. I feel like it negatively affected my personality in this way however I would not be who I am today with out those experiences. Overall, these are just a few examples of how my personality and preferences are shaped.

My personal mission statement is as follows:

To find happiness, meaning, and value in everything in life. I want to be an instrument of positive change for the world. I believe everyone is equal and that deserves to be known. Lastly, by surrounding my self with people who support me I will not compromise my dreams based on the disapproval and opinions of others.

My results for the Human metrics Jung Typology Test were in my eyes a pretty accurate description of my mission statement and my personal beliefs.

E- Extrovert (78%)
S- Sensing (25%)
F- Feeling(12%)
J- Judging(56%)

When I first received my results I was shocked at the percentage for judging. Once I read the description I came to realize that I was just one percent more than the average. I found it interesting many important leaders score up in to the 90's due to their execution and goal setting skills.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Who Has Shaped Your View of Leadership?

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She is one of my biggest role models because of her leadership skills. Let me give you just a little background....

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the current President of Liberia, which is a country located on the west coast of the African continent. One of her biggest missions is women's equality and women's empowerment with the focus especially in Africa but globally as well. She is one of the first woman to defy the odds on this continent and become president. Sirleaf is the "1st female leader as a head of state in africa, she empowers women and influences democratic reforms throughout the continent..." (www.apbspeakers.com). In 2011 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was awarded the nobel peace price for her work in securing women's rights. 

The reason she inspires me is because she was married at the age of 17 as was custom and was able to rise above the norm to pursue her passions. Sirleaf did not get trapped in the ideology of the wife is property to the husband. She broke the norm to do what she believed in. 

I have attached a video of her speaking about empowering women, economics, and her hopes for humanity/equality.

I will also attach a link for a women's leadership specified video and the website that gave me some of my details about her!

