Thursday, August 29, 2013

How Are You a Social Entrepreneur?

I am a past, present, and future social entrepreneur. In high school I worked with an organization called "" as a high school leader in one of their main reach out campaigns named "Teens For Jeans". During the course of two weeks with the support and donation of the students I was able to collect over 250 pairs of jeans. Once these jeans were collected a local store took them and distributed them to homeless teens in my area and across the country.

Presently, I work as a college representative for a non-profit organization called One Bead. The mission of One Bead is to raise money in order to provide an elementary school in Africa with arts, music, sports, and supplements to their current education program. I found out about this wonderful program through one of my sorority sisters and could not wait to get it started at OSU.

In the future, I hope to start and own my own non-profit after graduation with the goal of providing children of lower class families an opportunity of the same quality education that any other middle/upper class child is given. I am not yet sure how I will go about accomplishing this but this is the opportunity that I am going to go after no matter what the risks. The reward will be the satisfaction that I am able to make an impact on future generations.  I believe that everyone has a dream they just need to be reminded that any thing is possible. Owning my own non-profit is my dream of the job I have always wanted.

Below I have attached some ONE BEAD photos/videos as well as a link to their website. If this interests you please feel free to check them out!


The Video is courtesy of and the photos are mine!

Web Site:
Who am I...
Well for starters I am from Ohio I am in my second year at The Ohio State University. I am a Finance/Accounting major with a Dance minor. One of my favorite things to do is to study at Thompson Library. Besides studying I am involved in so many student organizations. The organization that I am most passionate about is my membership with the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta. Being a part of such a large all female group has taught me so much about my self and others. Also, I am the service chair for the Business Scholars Leadership Council. It is obvious from my position that I am committed to the community and helping others. I would say that this is definitely not all of what describes me but its every thing thats important to me!